Fabric Pumpkin Tutorial "step by step"

Fabric Pumpkin Tutorial "step by step"



- Fabric Scrap

- Scissors

- Embroidery floss or pearl cotton

- Long Needle

- Fiber Fill

- Natural twine




1- For this medium size pumpkin, cut the fabric around 65x40cm. Keep this proportion in mind to make pumpkins any size you like.

2- Fold the fabric matching the short edges and sew into a tube with basic short running stitch.

3- Seam sew a large running stitch from the raw edge of only one side of your pumpkin, wrap the thread around at the end to make it stronger.

4- Turn your pumpkin right side out and fill with fiber fill.

5- Gather the fabric at the top and wrap it with a natural twine to make the stem, you can make it as long as you like, straight or curved.

6- Veins: use the floss and long needle to cross from the bottom through the top of the pumpkin while squishing it down a bit and then wrap the floss around to create some veins.

















Et voilà! 

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