Create Your Own Craft Paper Decor!

Create Your Own Craft Paper Decor!

A beautiful and very simple idea to add a warm touch of creativity into any space. Ideal for this special time of the year, but we already know, they look so nice that it will be hard to take them away...

To build these amazing craft stars, all you need is some paper bags, glue and scissors. Now that you know: here we go!



- Lunch Bags
- Glue
- Scissors
- Hole Punch
- String


    Step 1. Count out 12 bags.

    Step 2. Add glue to the flat face of the first bag.

    Add glue to the flat face of the first bag at the bottom.

    Step 3. Cut the bags.

    Cut diagonally along the border of the bag to create the shapes as you can see in the photos. Add as many cuts as desired.

    Step 4. Test to make sure it can open completely.

    If not, keep adding a few more bags until it closes well. We recommend a minimum of 6, maximum... Unlimited!

    Step 5. You're almost done...

    Make a little a hole at the top of one of the points of the star, cut some string... And hang it up!

    If you like this idea, we'd love to see your results! Take a picture, upload it to Instagram and tag us @numero74_official. WE ARE ALL STARS...


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